Saturday morning we headed off to Itaewon which is described as the most exotic place in Seoul representing fusion culture with a distinctive atmosphere.
It is a renowned shopping district covering a 1.4 km long street....I guess you can tell from Al's expression what his first impression was! I'm not sure if this was because of the weather which was cloudy with periods of heavy rain, the crowds of people or just his general dislike of shopping.
In spite of this we had a great day. I managed to find an English book store and made a purchase there.
Itaewan is very popular with tourists and U.S. soldiers. It is the first time we saw more than just a couple of foreigners in the crowds. The stores also cater more to western tastes.
I took this shot because this is the entrance to a home. I could not imagine living in the midst of all the shops and smells and noise!
i would love to be there and checkout all the spices and herbs.